The COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing in Luxembourg and neighboring countries. It is to be expected, that thanks to effective confinement measures, the number of infected persons and deaths will reduce. Public authorities in Luxembourg are considering to relieve the confinement measures to 'unlock' parts of economic and social live in the country at the moment the pandemic is becoming less severe. Because, we are still in the stage of confinement and not in the EXIT stage, this is the right time to start collecting data on the social, economic and health impacts of the pandemie. In the EXIT stage, we are not able anymore to do impact anlyses during and after the confinement. The objective of this project is to collect data on the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, including employment, activity and travel patterns, lifestyle behaviours and health. The idea is to organize three waves of data collection: 1. during the pandemic at its heights; 2. when the pandemic is on its return; 3. after the pandemic. Two methods for data collection will be applied: an online questionaire and an activity-mobility App for smartphones. On a voluntarily basis, via three different approaches people living in Luxembourg as well as crossborder commuters will be asked to participate: 1. participants in the Weizmann survey; 2. via social and traditional media; 3. members of the Belval cohort.