Attitudes toward immigrants in Luxembourg depending on migratory background

Marie Valentova, Guayarmina Berzosa

Résultats de recherche: Autre contribution

46 Téléchargements (Pure)


In a country with a relatively long and intense history of immigration such as Luxembourg, it is difficult to avoid discussing issues including integration and sentiments toward newcomers. This paper contributes to the discussion on how immigrants are perceived by Luxembourg residents with different migratory backgrounds. Attitudes toward immigrants1 are taken as one of the possible indicators of the quality of the relationship between residents (host society) and newcomers who settled or plan to reside in this multinational and multilingual state.
langue originaleAnglais
Nombre de pages16
étatPublié - 2010

Série de publications

NomLes Cahiers du CEPS/INSTEAD

Collections du LISER

  • Les Cahiers du CEPS/INSTEAD

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