Effects of life courses on women's pensions – Luxembourg country report

Marie Valentova, Tom Dominique

Résultats de recherche: Le chapitre dans un livre, un rapport, une anthologie ou une collectionChapterRevue par des pairs


The current paper presents a review of the discussion paper by Leitner (2011) using the German
host country paper (BMFSFJ 2011). It is divided into three main parts. The first one discusses
welfare and labour market models of corporatist countries while focusing on the situation in
Germany. The second part builds on this contextualisation and points out the main consequences
of it for women’s pensions and the gender pension gap in Germany. In the third part we comment
on particular suggestions and policy interventions presented in the discussion paper.
langue originaleAnglais
titrePeer Review in Social Protection and Social Inclusion and Assessment in Social Inclusion.
Lieu de publicationBrussels
EditeurEuropean Commission
Nombre de pages8
étatPublié - 2011

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