Reconceptualisation of Social Quality.

Anne Fairweather, Borut Roncevic, Mai Rydbjerg, Marie Valentova, Mojca Zajc

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalArticleRevue par des pairs


Social quality was first conceptualised and developed in the book ‘The Social Quality of Europe’ (Beck et al, 1997). This book, through a series of articles, develops the background to the concept and then produces a theoretical framework of social quality. Finally it critically assesses the possibilities for and problems with the concept. In the present paper, we first look at the concept of social quality itself. We then go on to examine the four components of social quality: socio-economic security, social inclusion, social cohesion and empowerment. In each section on individual components the general conceptualisation of this component is discussed, and this is followed by a discussion of how it fits into the social quality quadrant. A number of issues are then identified, that will require further research.
langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)109-134
journalInternational Journal of Social Quality
Numéro de publication1/2
étatPublié - 2001

Une note bibliographique

Former journal : European Journal of Social Quality

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