Social Exclusion: Theoretical Approaches

Luna Bellani, Alessio Fusco

Résultats de recherche: Le chapitre dans un livre, un rapport, une anthologie ou une collectionChapterRevue par des pairs


Abstract of the book: The past decade has been characterized by a burgeoning interest in new concepts of individual and social well-being. The impetus for this new research has stemmed from increased demand from policy makers and civil society for measures of progress that go beyond the traditional measures of GDP, as well as improved datasets allowing individuals and households to be tracked over their life course. The aim of this Handbook is to chart these developments and provide extensive surveys of many of the recent themes that have emerged in the research literature. Some of the topics addressed include poverty. relative deprivation and satisfaction, economic insecurity, social exclusion and inequality, income and social polarization, and social fractionalization and diversity. Each topic is first analyzed from a theoretical perspective, followed by detailed empirical discussion.

langue originaleAnglais
titreHandbook of Research on Economic and Social Well-Being
rédacteurs en chefConchita D'Ambrosio
Lieu de publicationCheltenham
EditeurEdward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
ISBN (Electronique)978-1-78195371 -6
ISBN (imprimé)978-1781953709
étatPublié - 2018

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