Tradice na prodej aneb Obraz domorodce a turismus do třetího světa.

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journalArticleRevue par des pairs


This article deals with images of native inhabitants of the third world countries in the context of promo materials of travel agencies. One of motivations to visit the third world countries is obviously a chance to be confronted with different environment, cultures, and life styles and, for our text most importantly, natives. The author of the article examines what visual images of native people are used in tourism business, concretely specifically in the catalogues published by travel agencies, to present to their clients typical inhabitants of different exotic countries. The author applies the method of the content analysis of photographs.
Titre traduit de la contributionTradition for sale: Images of indigenous people and tourism to the Third world
langue originaleTchèque
Pages (de - à)55-69
Numéro de publication43
étatPublié - 2003

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