• 11, Porte des Sciences, Maison des Sciences Humaines

    L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval



Résultat de recherche par an

Profil personnel

Intérêts de recherche

Olivier Klein is an Urban Geographer working, since 2008, as Research Scientist in the Department Urban Development and Mobility at Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER). He successively held the positions of head of the Mobility research unit from 2013 to 2016, and acting Head of the Department Urban Development and Mobility (2016-2017). His current research interests concern the study of daily mobility addressed through spatiotemporal approaches with a special interest for daily mobility of workers, particularly in cross-border contexts. He is also interested in issues related to GIS sciences, accessibility, active mobility in link with physical activity and health, modelling and visualization of movements, as well as residential developments consequent to daily mobility studied through modelling and simulation of land use change.

He is also an associate lecturer at University of Luxembourg and member of the steering committee of the Master in Geography and Spatial Planning.

Olivier Klein holds a PhD in Urban Geography from University of Strasbourg with a dissertation on Modelling and visualization of daily mobility (2007). He has a training in Urban Geography (B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Geography from University of Strasbourg) and Computer Sciences (B.Sc. in Computer Sciences from University of Strasbourg).


Qualification académique

Doctorat, PhD in Geography, Université de Strasbourg

Date d'octroi: 11 juin 2007

Master, Master in Urban Geography (Maitrise/DEA), Université de Strasbourg


Date d'octroi: 15 sept. 2000

Bachelor, Bachelor in Geography (DEUG, Licence), Université de Strasbourg


Date d'octroi: 30 juin 1998

Computer and information sciences, Degree in Computer Sciences, Université de Strasbourg


Date d'octroi: 30 juin 1995

Les positions extérieures

Project Manager, AGATE - Analyse, Géoprospective, Aménagement, TErritoire


Lecturer and Research Assitant (ATER), Université de Strasbourg


Project Manager, Maison du Temps et de la Mobilité - Agence d'Urbanisme du Territoire de Belfort


Lecturer, Université de Strasbourg


Collaborations et principaux domaines de recherche des cinq dernières années

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