What is the situation with regards to economic activity? Between work, study and retirement

Alessio Fusco, Isabelle Pigeron-Piroth, Yann Ferro, Kerry Schiel

Résultats de recherche: Autre contribution

4 Téléchargements (Pure)


One of the key pieces of information from the population census relates to economic activity: how many residents have a job? How many are unemployed? How many are retired or not in paid employment? These are all questions that shed light on the daily life and economic situation of the resident population. These factors are closely linked to the age distribution of the population, especially as the demographic decline and ageing of the population in most European countries are having a significant impact on the economy and growth. Immigration is another factor impacting on labour market status. Luxembourg’s high level of immigration, with a considerable increase of 131,588 inhabitants between the last two censuses (i.e. +25.7%), has an impact on the number of people in work, since most immigrants come to Luxembourg to work (labour immigration). Immigration therefore has the effect of attenuating the ageing of Luxembourg’s population and also has an impact on activity rates.
langue originaleAnglais
TypeRP 2021
Médias de la productionPortail Statistique
Nombre de pages10
Lieu de publicationLuxembourg
étatPublié - avr. 2024

Série de publications

NomRP 2021 1st results

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